Misunderstanding the Trinity

Key Points

  1. The Quran describes the Trinity as Allah, Jesus, and Mary, which is not the Christian belief.
  2. The Trinity is the essential doctrine of Christianity, and the Quran’s misrepresentation of it is a significant error.
  3. The Quran does not, in a single instance, describe the Christian doctrine of the Trinity correctly as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  4. There is no evidence whatsoever that Muhammed understood that the Trinity is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, including the Quran and Hadith.
  5. Early commentaries on the Quran interpret these verses as describing the Trinity as Allah, Jesus, and Mary.


The Trinity is an essential and universal Christian doctrine which posits that God consists of three persons, the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit, who are distinct yet co-equal and co-eternal. The Trinity is formalized as early as the Council of Nicaea in AD 325, 200 years prior to the life of Muhammed. The Quran describes the Trinity multiple times as the belief that Allah, Jesus, and Mary are Gods. This is an inaccurate description of the Christian belief of the Trinity.

The Trinity

The Argument

  1. Premise 1: If a text is the eternal, perfect word of God, it cannot contain misrepresentations or falsehood.
  2. Premise 2: The Quran contains misrepresentations or falsehoods of the Christian Doctrine of the Trinity.
  3. Conclusion: Therefore, the Quran is not the eternal, perfect word of God.


Surah 5:116-118 describes a conversation between Allah and Jesus (who is considered a prophet in Islam).

In these verses, the Quran is describing the Trinity as Allah, Jesus, and Mary. Christians do not believe this, and do not worship Mary.

The Trinity is THE essential doctrine of Christianity and makes it distinct from any other religion. It is important to note that these verses are the ONLY ones in the Quran that mention the Trinity whatsoever. The Quran does not, in a single instance, describe the Christian doctrine of the Trinity correctly as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The author the Quran again in Surah 4:171 describes the Trinity as Allah, Jesus, and Mary:

Lastly, multiple early commentaries on these passages from Ibn Ishaq, Muqātil ibn Sulaymān, and other all interpret these verses as describing the Trinity as Allah, Jesus, and Mary.

How Muslims Respond + Counterarguments

The verses were meant for a group that DID worship Mary in Arabia

These verses describe idolatry, not the Trinity

The word ‘Trinity’ is actually never used

Why it Matters

One Mistake in the Quran Refutes it

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