One Mistake Disproves Islam

Why do issues in the Quran matter?

Given the Quran’s claim of divine authorship, infallibility, and perfect preservation, any error—whether factual, historical, or linguistic—is catastrophic to its credibility. The Quran challenges readers to reflect on the text to find contradictions, explicitly stating that if any are found, it would disprove the Quran’s divine origin.

One Mistake Invalidates the Quran

The Quran is built upon the premise that it is flawless. As seen in Surah 4:82, the Quran acknowledges that if contradictions were found, they would indicate a human, rather than divine, origin. Since divine revelation, by definition, cannot contain errors, even a single mistake would call into question the entire foundation of the Islamic faith.

Thus, the claim is that the Quran must be wholly accurate and preserved, or it cannot be regarded as the infallible word of God.


The Quran makes extraordinary claims about its divine origin, preservation, and infallibility. Any mistake, contradiction, or inconsistency within the text would not merely be a minor issue but would fundamentally invalidate the Quran’s status as the word of God. This leaves the text open to scrutiny, with the understanding that proving even one error would have profound theological implications.

Verses Claiming the Quran is Perfect, Uncorrupted, and from God

The Quran repeatedly asserts that it is divinely authored, perfectly preserved, and free from error. Below are several key verses that highlight these claims:

Surah 15:9 The Quran emphasizes that God is the one who preserves it from corruption:

Surah 41:42 This verse affirms that falsehood cannot approach the Quran from any direction, underscoring its protection from distortion:

Surah 6:115 The verse proclaims that God’s words have been fulfilled in truth and justice, and none can alter them:

Surah 18:27 The Quran once again insists that no one can change God’s words, affirming its immutability:

These verses form the foundation of the Quran’s claim to divine authorship, infallibility, and uncorrupted preservation. Any contradiction or error would challenge the truth of these declarations and call into question the Quran’s status as the word of God.

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